Novels in Progress:

Resingled. Joe Weber is single for the first time in twenty-five years. But so is his best friend Mike, and their friend Vance has recently found himself, how shall we say, "resingled." The three don't seem to realize they aren't the young bucks they were the last time they were single, and together they need to find a way to navigate a world they thought they'd left behind with a simple "I do." Status: complete at 72K words, and looking for an agent.

Nyasaland. Doug Maitlin escapes the DC Beltway for his chance at making a difference in the developing world. Doug is in hog heaven teaching agriculture in western Malawi, helping people make a living from the land but also finding love in the form of Pipit, a doctor for a British charity. But the dream turns to nightmare as civil unrest turns to civil war and then to regional conflict. Doug and Pipit escape to Zambia with two of their friends, only to be ensnared by Koumba, an increasingly dangerous radical warlord. Doug sees a chance to escape, but that means leaving Pipit and the others behind. Knowing this is his only chance to save them, Doug makes a break for it only to find his superiors have bugged out of the country and can't help him, and the local officials have no idea he is there and even less incentive to help him. His friends' rescue lies solely on Doug's shoulders. Status: first draft complete at 74K words.

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